I will obey you, Mistres 2 v0.1

We are pleased to present you with a significant update to our game, which is still in the development phase. We greatly appreciate your support and patience during this process and want to share some of the important additions we have made.

New Location.

Welcome to our new unique world! We have added a new location full of unique details. We are confident that this location will add depth to your gaming experience.

Quest System

We have introduced a new quest system that will allow players to take part in exciting quests with different outcomes. This will add complexity and depth to the gameplay.

More Characters.

We always like to make the game world lively and diverse, so we've added even more characters! Each new character has their own unique character and story, which will add more interest to your interactions.

Improved and Longer Dialogues

To improve the immersion of the gameplay, we also improved the dialogue system. They are now more interesting and longer, making every interaction more engaging.

Although the full version of the game is not yet ready for release, we still strive to offer you the best gaming experience during this development. Thank you for your support and patience. We look forward to the day when we can bring you the final version of the game!

Get I will obey you, Mistress

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